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2023-09-07 Duke vs East Carolina
162 images
Created 23 Sep 2023
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(21) Katie Groff rises for a header ...jpg
(6) Devon Lynch dribbles as ECU'...jpg
(9) Grace Watkins looks to cross as ...jpg
(21) Katie Groff wins a ball in the ...jpg
(9) Grace Watkins dribbles (1273-ENR...jpg
(10) Olivia Migli saves a ball on th...jpg
(7) Cameron Roller passes as ECU...jpg
(21) Katie Groff and ECU's (7) ...jpg
(4) Baleigh Bruster passes (1567-ENR...jpg
(16) Carina Lageyre harries ECU'...jpg
(17) Nicky Chico dribbles - on a fre...jpg
(6) Devon Lynch dribbles in front of...jpg
(6) Devon Lynch dribbles in front of...jpg
(16) Carina Lageyre splits ECU'...jpg
(13) Mia Minestrella dribbles (1979-...jpg
(6) Devon Lynch dribbles (3079-ENR-1...jpg
(17) Nicky Chico and ECU's (10)...jpg
(4) Baleigh Bruster clears (2042-ENR...jpg
(6) Devon Lynch looks to pass (3159-...jpg
(10) Olivia Migli defends an ECU cro...jpg
(10) Olivia Migli and ECU's (22...jpg
(7) Cameron Roller defends in the ai...jpg
(11) Julia Saunicheva wins a ball in...jpg
(2) Kat Rader rattles the crossbar w...jpg
(2) Kat Rader rattles the crossbar w...jpg
(0) Leah Freeman comes out to make a...jpg
(0) Leah Freeman comes out to make a...jpg
(21) Katie Groff dribbles (2245-ENR-...jpg
(14) Kati Druzina throws the ball in...jpg
(19) Maggie Graham is upended by ECU...jpg
(9) Grace Watkins and ECU's (17...jpg
(21) Katie Groff wins a ball in the ...jpg
A well-deserved hydration break (366...jpg
(8) Elle Piper and ECS's (10) J...jpg
(8) Elle Piper clears as ECU's ...jpg
(8) Elle Piper clears as ECU's ...jpg
(14) Kati Druzina and ECU's (11...jpg
(3) Dieynaba Ndaw dribbles as ECU...jpg
(16) Carina Lageyre dribbles (2588-E...jpg
(19) Maggie Graham plays a cross in ...jpg
(10) Olivia Migli and ECU's (12...jpg
(10) Olivia Migli and ECU's (12...jpg
(3) Dieynaba Ndaw controls a high ba...jpg
(5) Phoebe Goldthwaite dribbles (392...jpg
Post-match words from the coach - an...jpg
Seniors (15) Emily Royson, (19) Magg...jpg
(19) Maggie Graham and extended fami...jpg
(19) Maggie Graham and extended fami...jpg
(19) Maggie Graham and extended fami...jpg
(17) Nicky Chico and bark-in-the-par...jpg
(17) Nicky Chico and bark-in-the-par...jpg
(21) Katie Groff and family (1123-EN...jpg
(21) Katie Groff and family (1137-EN...jpg
(4) Baleigh Bruster and family (1196...jpg
(15) Emily Royson and bark-in-the-pa...jpg
(15) Emily Royson and bark-in-the-pa...jpg
(17) Nicky Chico, her bark-in-the-pa...jpg
(19) Maggie Graham and extended fami...jpg
(17) Nicky Chico, her bark-in-the-pa...jpg
Andrea Crane, Duke '08 alumna a...jpg
Head Coach Robbie Church and '0...jpg
When all is said and done - it gets ...jpg
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